I don't know what the future may hold but I have to celebrate even a minor victory!
This morning I put my little 3 month old girl down and she just WENT TO SLEEP! I swaddled her, she had been fussing before, but she smiled when I swaddled her, then I set her down. She stared off at the wall and I started to pat gently just out of habit more than anything. I decided to go grab my phone before I started (it helped preserve my sanity when these shush-patting sessions went for so long )
When I got back she was asleep!!!!!!
I am so excited! It HAS been getting noticeably easier this week but this is the first time she just went down basically on her own! We've been at it for about a couple of months.
Thanks for all the support and advice I've gotten over the last few weeks. I hope this is an upward trend!