Our 2-1 is a mess since I went back to work...random naps at random times of very variable lengths & EW everyday ..she even fell asleep in car to nursery at 7.30am last week! It's good to be reminded that it is possible to get through it though & it will settle for us eventually too.
With the OT, is there anything else she could suck on to soothe her and get her to sleep? Her bunny? Or something else? When I dropped BFs with DS he started taking an old pyjama top of mind to bed and he used that as a comfort blanket. Or if you want to avoid soggy soothers...would she take a drink from a sippy cup instead of BF for comfort, quick teeth clean then bed?
It's hard as the techniques like GW and WI/WO are for sleep training, which isn't what she needs as she can SS, so it's trying to find something else in the WD that will calm her enough to sleep....dark room & white noise? Lullaby?
I will be following with interest..I'm trying to get my DD to drop her morning BF as I think it might be contributing to EW but she is not happy about it and screams and pushes away any cup until
I BF her..not a great start to the day!