Hi, I hope someone can give me some advice.
My dd3 is 23 months old.
Her day is usually :
Awake around 7
Nap around 11.30 to 1 ( I think this is a bit early but I have to leave the house for a school run at 1)
Bed at 8.
She chats for a bit in her cot at bedtime and goes to sleep by herself with no problems.
The problem is, she won't stay asleep, she usually wakes around 11, I employ the walk in/walk out method, this is enough to get her back to sleep, but again she doesn't stay asleep, she wakes another 2 to 3 times in the night. I walk in say 'shhh night night' and walk out.
But if I don't go in she'll cry, and call and scream until I do.
Some nights she sleeps all night, she could sleep all night for a couple of nights then have a couple of nights where she's awake a lot and I can't figure out why.
I never pick her up at night and she's never looked to come into our bed.
Last night I went into her room 7 times during the night, it's exhausting.
She was a great sleeper until around her 1st birthday and really this has been going on since then.
I really have no idea how to stop her needing me during the night, wi/wo is not working and I don't think she's going to grow out of it.
I'd really love any advice or suggestions. Thanks.
Ps dh thinks I shouldn't go to her at all during the night when she cries that she's old enough now to cio...I'm not comfortable with this but I'm not sure.