Author Topic: Almost 6mo - NW and/or EW help!  (Read 3637 times)

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Offline channy13

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Re: Almost 6mo - NW and/or EW help!
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2016, 23:28:31 pm »
Last 2 days:

6:30am - early wakeup, E (BF)
8:20-8:35 - S (fell asleep during school run)
9:00 - E (solids)
10:20 - 10:50 - S (put down at 10, but cried, so I held until very drowsy and put down. Woke up early! BF back to sleep)
11:00 - 12:30 - S
12:30 - E (BF other side)
3:00 - E (BF)
3:35 - 5:30 - S
5:45 - E (solids)
8:10 - E (BF)
8:40pm - S
11:15pm - E (DF)

6:30am - early wakeup, E (BF)
8:40-8:45 - S (fell asleep in car during school run)
9:15 - E (solids)
9:50 - 10:00 - S - woke up early again! PU/PD until 10:45, then BF because ~4 hrs after last BF
10:45 - E (BF one side, fell asleep)
10:50 - 12:05 - S
12:05 - E (BF other side...fell asleep after eating, not during)
12:15 - 1pm - S
3:50 - E (BF)
4:10 - 5:20 - S
5:45 - E (solids)
8:10 - E (BF)
8:30 - S
11:15 - E (DF)
up this morning at 6:20am

Offline channy13

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Re: Almost 6mo - NW and/or EW help!
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2016, 09:36:22 am »
Ahhhhh, even worse tonight! Today's routine:

620 - EW, E (BF)
845 - E (solids)
925 - S (in crib by 915, asleep on her own)
1055 - E (BF)
Fell asleep while nursing from 11-1115
200 - E (BF)
220 - S (in crib at 215, asleep on her own)
255 - woke up early! Let her fuss for 10 min, but then nursed and held to sleep on chair
315 - 410 - S
430 - E (solids)
650 - E (BF)
725 - S (in bed by 710, asleep on her own)

Woke up at 910, 1030, 1110, 1150!! Put herself back to sleep in 5-15 min all of those times except 1030, since i was going to DF anyways. Also woke up at 4am, and just back to sleep now. I left her for about 30 min as she'd cry, stop to fuss with blankie or put finger in mouth, then cry again, etc... Finally got her down at 520 (pu/pd... Brought up to shoulder until calm, then back in crib and tried soothing with words and rubbing back)

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: Almost 6mo - NW and/or EW help!
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2016, 11:56:04 am »
I think like you say her day sleep is now robbing her night sleep. I think my dd2 would have had about 3hrs total during the day. This could be something you just have to grit your teeth with until she's not falling asleep in the car in the morning and you're on a solid 2 nap routine.

Yesterday morning was a great nap so that seems to be her ideal A time there. Hard to say whether she was slightly OT or UT for that 2nd nap. That last A was probably a little too long as all those early wakings are likely OT.
Again that's often inevitable when they drop a nap and will take a while to settle in.

I think you're heading in the right direction and it will fall in place soon x

Offline yaelihrpz

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Re: Almost 6mo - NW and/or EW help!
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2016, 14:14:35 pm »
Hi help needed with similar problem
My ds is six months next week
Until about four months he was sleeping fine with df at 11:00/11:30 and waking up around 7/8 am. Not many night waking just occasionally for dummy. Then just after four months we moved him to the cot bed and it all went down hill since then. NW every hour or two for dummy he's not really waking just asking for dummy in his sleep (cries or just calls for dummy with eyes totally shut). And since a few weeks ago wakes up at 5/6 am and it takes him anything between 30-60 minutes usually to go back to sleep. I didn't get the impression that he wakes up to start the day hence I make him go back to sleep plus it's too early and I worry it's not a proper good night sleep.
I don't remember much but don't think any of this happened with my dd who's five now. But I think perhaps I was a bit tougher maybe letting her cry more. In his case I think I might have created a dependency with jumping to his side with every sound.
I tried to wait a few minutes lately before I go in but it doesn't sound like he will settle and fall back to sleep on his own unless someone plugs the dummy in (so the days are spent trying to teach him to do it on his own... 😉). Also he's teething and has reflux which oddly isn't improving with age (I don't think anyway).
How do you all implement a routine? Because whenever we leave the house he can't seem to have a good two hour nap like he does at home. Also easy is even more not easy with siblings!
So how do we get him to sleep through the nights again please????

Offline channy13

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Re: Almost 6mo - NW and/or EW help!
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2016, 04:54:07 am »
Another round of bad nights.  :'(

She started to wake before the DF, so I think it's a habitual hunger waking. On one of those nights, she was up from 10pm-1245am! I've moved the DF 15 min earlier as I think it's time to drop out if she's waking up. Last night went well (DF-wise), but NW for an hour at 230am. Tonight she woke up when I put her down after the DF, and she just fell asleep after literally 1.5hrs of crying during pu/pd.

Should I be doing pu/pd for these NW? I can't think of anything else to get her back to sleep, and I definitely don't want to nurse her, though that would be the easier way out. I've read through the age adaptations for pu/pd and am unsure of the 6-8 month method. Do you pick up in cradle hold when the cry gets frantic? Do you just say your phrase and then put them back down immediately (even though still crying)? Or do you hold until crying stops, say your phrase, and then put down? I've been doing the 4-6 month adaptation because I'm not sure of the older method... It worked last night, but tonight... My goodness. The screams became worse and worse and worse.... I'm losing it here!!