Author Topic: Fussy at 4  (Read 893 times)

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Fussy at 4
« on: October 07, 2016, 19:00:12 pm »
 Dd is now 9+4 weeks and more or less from birth she gets really fussy from 4 am onwards and wakes every half hour/hour even though u can tell she doesn't want to be awake. from 6 weeks I started to loosely introduce a routine which is bath at 6.30 feed baby massage feed all with love songs playing then quiet from 7.30ish she is now settling into routine though still feeds every 2.30 til 3 hours round the clock atm she doesn't stay awake long at night and has a few naps during the day with the last one around 4. She is bf but will have the odd bottle once in a while to give me a break. Her nose usually becomes stuffy at 4ish but hasn't been AS bad since I bought an air purifier and humidifier/aroma defuse as we thing she has a dust mite allergy but not sure. I have tried everything from bf to expressing to formula, dummy cuddling singing walking etc. But she isn't getting the proper rest she needs and defo wants. She has a good bedtime routine and naps during the day. She will also most of the time drop off in her cot on her own too and is Def s content baby always laughing and chatting away need help I'm exhausted. Also she sleeps beside me in her sleepy head. It makes no difference though I've tried her on the mattress in her next to me crib in her pram but still the same like clockwork every night.
Mother to sheá 28.06 07 and eabhà 01.08.16

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Fussy at 4
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2016, 12:52:49 pm »
I know it's not much help but this does seem to be a common thing with a lot of babies at this age (certainly was the case with DS) and I think it is partly to do with them coming into light sleep, and partly to do with digestion/gut maturity which all just seems to get better with time.  I'm not sure there's anything really that can 'fix' it as such as it sounds like you are getting on great during the daytime :D Perhaps (if it's not a silly suggestion) you could try earplugs so that you won't be so disturbed by little noises, but can still hear a cry if she really needs you?  Or could you head off into another room for part of the night and let your partner handle the early morning to give you a break?  Hang in there, many of us here have found that this phase does pass eventually x

Offline paulak412

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Re: Fussy at 4
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2016, 15:25:29 pm »
I am a single parent and the world worst sleeper 😣 hopefully she will grow out of it too. She us such an easy going wee baby I have no prob with her physically just the wee nose in the wee hours so I can't complain  I'm more fustrating for her case u can tell she doesn't want to be awake.
Mother to sheá 28.06 07 and eabhà 01.08.16

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Fussy at 4
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2016, 12:12:16 pm »
Oh ((hugs)), it's tough when there's nobody else to help share the sleepless times.  Keep hanging in there x