Author Topic: 21mo EW screaming for milk  (Read 879 times)

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Offline Bella89

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21mo EW screaming for milk
« on: October 15, 2016, 10:39:06 am »
Hi Ladies,
me again needing your help :)

My 21mo DS is EW for 3 weeks now, and I got so lost that this is killing me. His routine is all over the place, but I am trying to stick with the one that worked in the past:
4:00 WU screaming for milk(this is new, 1 week). At first I thought he is thirsty because he stopped drinking that much during the day, and the heating season started, but he would accept nothing else than milk. I gave him water and he was not happy:/). I gave him milk 4 days in a row, 2/4 I managed to put him back, sometimes in his room, sometimes I take him to our bed which sometimes calms him down and sometimes we just travel back to his room.
6:30-9 true WU. This is so random... Today we didn't sleep from 4:30 to 6:30 and than till 9
He usually naps 1pm-3pm
9pm BT I know it's late,but putting him sooner lasts an hour anyways, so it doesn't not make sense either:(

I know he is teeting right now, he has rash on his belly, didn't eat much during the day so I didn't refuse when he asked for milk, but I know it's bad in a long run. For teeth and all...

I don't know what to. I used to think when I wake him up from nap after 1.5h he wakes up later, but now we're back to square one.

What do I do? DO I stop waking him up or do I wake him after 1h?
It's to early to drop the nap, right? On the other hand I know 2yo who don't nap and 4yo that do, so...

Help needed:(

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Re: 21mo EW screaming for milk
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2016, 03:52:33 am »
Can you have meds ready for him when he wakes, since you know he's teething? For some kids those 2-year molars can be awful. I learned to keep a syringe of nurofen/ibuprofen ready for when J woke when her canines were hurting at 2AM on the dot, and some topical teething meds besides.

You may also consider capping the nap - seeing if you can wake him around an hour or 90 minutes, so it's a slightly shorter nap. It didn't work with mine - mine would wake up cranky - but some children do well with it.

Will he nap any earlier? With such a long EW, he may take an earlier nap if your schedule allows.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 03:54:36 am by deb »

Offline Bella89

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Re: 21mo EW screaming for milk
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2016, 05:29:48 am »
Good ideas!

I don't think he is in pain, rather we fight loose poop all day. Tonight he poop 2x (2am and 6am). He was easy to resettle, but I think he was bothered by his tummy. Lots of gas too:/

This is how it went:
4am-6am awake
6-9am asleep
7pm getting ready for bed, asleep by 8 (he was ok with no nap, fell asleep easily too)

7:30 WU (wow)
1:40-3pm nap
9pm asleep

1:30-2:30am awake, drank 4oz of water, pooped, I had to change him, but he was half asleep
6am WU for good, pooped and drank his cup of milk.

Now, I don't know what to do now, but I guess today will go by itself because we will drive for 2h since noon so he will fall asleep:/

My gut is telling me we need to make him feel better first, because I don't think he is ok. It's not so much pain, but I guess teething is just tiring for his body, with diarrhea and rash... Oh man, I just hope it will end soon. He has 8 front teeth, 4 molars and 2 canines now. We're waiting for other 2 canines to erupt, they are right there:/