Thanks, jessmum. I have been doing PUPD for a few days now.
Her recent two days:
Day 1:
WU 6:30? Not sure as she didn't make noise, but I found her playing by herself at 6:35.
E 7:05
S 9:15-9:50. Awakened by noise of knocking at the door.
E 10:51
S 12:12-2:17. Was asleep at 11:57, but then WU a few times and finally settled at 12:12.
E 2:51
S 4:30-5:00
E 6:24
S 7:34. A lot of crying since 6:55.
Stir 9:45, and quick resettle.
E 11:52 (not dream feed)
Day 2
WU 6:25. (One NF is rare, usually two feeds)
E 6:25, then took a short nap and get up at 7:10.
S 9:10-10:00. Awakened by noise of knocking at the door again!!! (I was too sad and cried a long time.)
E 11:22 (feed was delayed because I was very sad)
E 3:06
S no catnap. fighting hard from 4:00-4:30. Then tried to let her sleep in stroller, but still didn't sleep.
E 6:00 too tired baby falling asleep at breast.
S 6:00-6:20. Awakened by noise from upstairs. Then DD cried and cried, on and off, until 7:05. I gave a light feed. She was almost asleep at 7:19, but then noise came again. She was startled. Then eyes wide open and play with hands until 8:08.
S 8:08.
Actually I have a question about NW. Sometimes she wakes at 4 and I would usually feed her if the previous feed was around 11pm. But she stayed awake for almost two hours before sleep again. This happened many times already. I wonder what should I do if she wakes at night, just let her play and hopefully fall asleep by herself, or should I do PU/PD? I know we don't pick baby up if she is not crying, but just don't know if there is anything I can do to encourage her go back to sleep. Many thanks.