Author Topic: 2.5YO + Separation Anxiety + Upcoming Trip  (Read 2529 times)

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Offline calgal22002

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2.5YO + Separation Anxiety + Upcoming Trip
« on: October 30, 2016, 11:13:40 am »
LO has been a great sleeper and is still pretty happily sleeping much of the time - no problem with naps, no problem at daycare, etc. However, in the last few weeks she has started waking at night, very concerned over DH's whereabouts. It is always the same question when we go into her "where is daddy?". She is a total daddy's girl and insists that daddy does everything when he is around. We take turns going in to her at night and all we need to say is that daddy is busy or daddy is sleeping and she goes back to bed. It doesn't matter if I go in or he goes in, but the key is to acknowledge that daddy will be there for her if she needs him.

The issue I am very concerned about is that DH and I had planned a trip for just the two of us (the first one since LO was born!), in 10 days! We had booked tickets a while back and made arrangements for the kids to be with the grandparents. They are very comfortable visiting grandma and grandpa (we stay with them regularly). I would just hate to think that it will cause bigger problems down the road with LO!

Any suggestions on how to make the transition smoother? Or any ideas how to deal with the separation anxiety?

Offline becj86

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Re: 2.5YO + Separation Anxiety + Upcoming Trip
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2016, 20:02:00 pm »
Does she know you're both going away and she'll stay with her grandparents? I would be talking about that now IIWM, just casually in conversation like "I wonder if grandma will take you to xyz place/activity while you're having a holiday with her?". If she's not expecting him to be there, it will likely be different, yk? I would probably pitch it as mummy and daddy are having a holiday and so DD gets to have a special holiday with grandma and grandpa.

You could make a calendar with her and show her how long you'll be away and she can cross the days of with grandma, or grandma could do that when she gets there and together they could plan some activities for the days she's there. 

Offline calgal22002

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Re: 2.5YO + Separation Anxiety + Upcoming Trip
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2016, 21:54:39 pm »
Thank you - that sounds like a really good idea! I will definitely try that out.