Author Topic: Can anyone help me starting EASY with my 12 week old boy?!  (Read 6432 times)

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Offline summerj

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Can anyone help me starting EASY with my 12 week old boy?!
« on: November 02, 2016, 09:51:19 am »
Hi guys,

I've read through all the forum and am slightly confused where to start. my son is 12 weeks today and goes between 3-4hrs between bottles, but can only stay awake for around 1hr 15 mins. He has 6oz bottles usually and has began splitting them which is annoying. Can anybody guide me to which schedule I should be doing as i can't figure out which he fits into. This was his routine the past two days.

E - 7.15 - 4oz
S - 8.15-9.35

E- 10.20 -4oz
S- 11.06 - 13.44

E-14.20 - 3oz
E- 14.55 - 3oz
S -15.30 - 4pm

E- 17.10 - 4oz
E - 17.50 - 2oz
S - 18.20 - 19.20

E - 20.05 - 2oz
S- 20.30 - 5.35am


E 5.45am - 6oz
S 6.55 - 8.10 - SLEEP
E 8.48 - 2oz
E 9.10 - 4oz
S 9.35 - 10.15 SLEEP
S 11.20 - 11.55 SLEEP
E 12.25 - 6oz
S 13.20 - 13.55 SLEEP
S 14.51 - 16.53 SLEEP
E 5pm - 5oz
S 6.25 - 23:50 SLEEP
E 00:00 6oz
S 00:23 - 3.50am  SLEEP
E 3:50am 6oz
S 4am - 6.51am SLEEP
E 7am - 2oz
E 7.40 - 4oz
S 8.15 - now (9.50am) SLEEP


Offline Lindsay27

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Re: Can anyone help me starting EASY with my 12 week old boy?!
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2016, 18:16:26 pm »
Welcome to BW and congrats on your new addition!!  Routines are a little tricky to figure out at first, and it does take some time before they are consistently on one, I found my DD didn't really settle in until she was on the 4hr EASY.  Looking at your routine I think a bump in A time is probably needed.  Around 12 weeks A times are typically about 1.5hrs, so I would try that to start and see if it helps.  Often LOs might seem tired earlier for a few reasons - because they are 'used' to being put down earlier, or sometimes they need a change in scenery/activity and their tired queues are often unreliable and they are just simply (for lack of a better term) bored.

This is a great link to reference:
Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!