Hello. I really hope someone can help me as I don't think I can cope much longer
My baby boy is 7 months old. He has been waking every 1-2 hours since he was 8 weeks old. He has managed to sleep for a four hour stretch twice during this time.
He is breastfed and has a small amount of pureed vegetables during the day. I did try him on a more food during the day but it didn't help his sleep and gave him constipation.
I try to keep his routine the same but it changes depending on how he slept during the night. I've been keeping a record of his sleep for a few months. An example is
8.35 - awake
10.15 - 11.15 = 1 hour nap
13.35 - 15.05 = 1 hr 30 mins nap
17.30- 18.10 = 40 mins nap
Bed time
21.00 - 21.15 = 15 mins
21.35 - 22.40 = 1hr 5
23.05 - 00.25 = 1hr 20
00.40 - 1.45 = 45 mins
2.00 - 2.03 = 3 mins
3.15 - 4.30 1hr 15
4.45 - 5.40 = 55 mins
5.50 - 6.40 = 50 mins
6.55 - 7.25 = 30 mins
7.35 - 8.35 = 1hr
He is breastfed during the day approximately every 3 hours and has some pureed vegetables mid morning.
I breastfeed him to sleep for his naps and after 3 hours during the night. Wakings before 3 hours, I cuddle him to sleep. He does not seem to feed much overnight. I have tried feeding him at each waking but it makes no difference.
He sleeps in a cot which my husband has attached to our bed.
In between his naps during the day we play with his toys on the floor.
I really don't know what to do. Any advice would be appreciated. Sorry for any typos, I'm a bit tired x