So, two nights ago I gave him fish pie (containing salmon, cod and haddock, mash potato) and he didn't wake at 2300 and slept from 0700-0200, where I put his dummy back in and he went straight back to sleep, woke at 0400- I fed him and he went back to sleep until 0600.
Night after similar again with the fish pie!
I also changed back to giving a breast feed as his last main feed 30 mins or so before bed and a small formal top up closer to bed time.
Last night he had a full bottle of formula before bed and woke with upper end burps and had 4 or so wake ups before midnight.
So, maybe I have magic fish pie?! maybe I need to change the bottle?
I don't think it's an intolerance as his bowel movements are perfect and he is a very good size, tall and strong boy.
Would you expect a baby of 7 months to still have a feed overnight?