My daughter is 15M & still wakes repeatedly during the night & will only sleep in increments once in our bed (because we're SO TIRED) or on the couch with my husband, causing her to sleep until 9/930 am sometimes. We've tried waking her early, 1 nap, 2 naps (seems to males for better naps, but no nighttime change), thought UT or OT, but don't know where to go at this point. We use Wake to sleep when we can, almost daily. Please help!!
Her day:
9: Wake
915: Nurse
10: Breakfast
1030-1: Play
1: Nap, 1 hr 15 min once in awhile, longer but no pattern
215-3: Milk & play
3: Lunch
330-7: Play
7: Dinner
730: Bath & bedtime routine
815: Nurse to sleep
830: In bed, asleep
1245: Wake, sometimes
2ish: Wake, husband spends 30-40 min, won't sleep
245ish: Ends up in our bed
345ish: Wakes up, playing, husband goes to couch with her
4-7: Sleeps on couch with daddy
7: Comes to bed with me
9ish: Awake for the day
For the first time, last night, my husband was so exhausted, he put her in her bed & let her cry, checking on her every 10 min. After about 45 min, she went to sleep & slept 4.5 hrs. I'm trying that again today with nap. Is this the best course of action at this point? We HATE CIO, but we're so desperate for change.