My son is 14 months and has never slept through the night, however recently his night waking has become more frequent and we are all exhausted. HELP!
I'm guilty of accidental parenting - my son has never been a great sleeper and I am so tired I let him BF to sleep. From the beginning he woke 1-2x per night and will go back to sleep easily after feeding for a few minutes. In an attempt to wean him from wanting to be held/fed we put his crib mattress on the floor and I lay next to him on the floor. Recently though he has started getting up every 1.5 hours and needing to feed for comfort - he falls asleep and I try to go back to room and he wakes up and the whole process starts again
A typical schedule is:
Wake - 7:00am
Breakfast - 8:00am
Nurse - 11:00am
Nap - 11:00am - 12:30/1:00pm
Lunch - 1:00pm
Snack - 3:30pm
Dinner - 6:00pm
Bath/Books/Wind down - 6:30pm
Nurse - 7:00pm
Falls asleep eating - put in bed asleep - 7:30pm
Wake/Nurse - 11:00pm
Wake/Nurse - 1:00am
Wake/Nurse - 3:00am
Wake/Nurse - 5:00am
Wake - 7:00am
I'm exhausted just writing this!
At night when he wakes I try to lay with him and pat his back/hold hands/shh but he gets so frantic and screams I give in and nurse him back to sleep.
I'm not open to CIO.
Please help!!!