Thank you to everyone's responses so far. If this is a phase, it's been going on now for almost 2 months, and we're at our wit's end. We are so frustrated. Below is her schedule that is kept at daycare that we're able to mimic pretty closely on the weekends. However, where she is able to sleep for two hours at daycare for nap time, she is only able to get about an hour at home on the weekends.
6:30 - breakfast (however - due to her continued waking up, this is often now closer to 5AM/5:30)
7:30 - arrives at daycare
9:00 - snack
12:15-2:30 - nap time
2:45 - snack
4:45 - snack
5:15 - go home
6:15 - bath
7:00 - brush teeth, change diaper, read books with one book good night book always read last
7:20 - sleep