Author Topic: Re: Daytime naps - struggling  (Read 1201 times)

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Re: Daytime naps - struggling
« on: December 22, 2016, 13:30:46 pm »
Hi there
I recently stumbled upon this brilliant book when I was desperate in getting my son to sleep and so forth.
I had managed to stick to some routine however found it difficult as my son has very bad reflux and cramps...
I started the easy routine about 3 days ago (I know it is still soon) I am managing to keep his eating consistent however battle with naps.. I try not to rock him to sleep and have been doing the shush pat method whilst he is swaddled in my arms and when he is half asleep I put him down and continue to pat and when he falls asleep I leave the room.
The question I have is that he fights sleep every time and cries and fusses when I swaddle him.. I do it anyway -
I am grateful that as always he naps quite well but everyday there is a new challenge with sleep.
I just want some clarity on whether it is normal or not? Is it the cramps bothering him or the reflux? Is it that he just wants to play ? Am I missing his sleep cues?
I am raising him alone so the frustration is a lot worse obviously
Any help will be appreciated