Author Topic: 18 Mo Regression, Naps, EWU  (Read 2308 times)

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Offline KYKatydid

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18 Mo Regression, Naps, EWU
« on: December 29, 2016, 19:36:34 pm »
Bub wakes up a good bit of naps at the 1.5 hour mark. PD isn't really working.

Bub just fights it for as long as he can. I console him with sometimes rubbing his back, or just by talking to him. So I feel a bit "stuck" with how to handle his naps.

Also, we recently night weaned, and he had been getting up at 5:30 to a T, so this week I've done Wake-To-Sleep at 4:30A.

Night 1: No difference, still up at 5:30
Night 2: He woke up at 4:30 on his own, put him down with some quick reassurance, up at 5:30 and fought it until I nursed him a little after 6, I'm working on pushing that first feed of the day later into the morning) and he slept until 6:30
Night 3: I woke him at 4:30, and he woke up at 6:25 on his own

Should I continue for a few more nights? Should I do WTS for his naps, too? If so, should I wake him at the 45 min mark? Thank you in advance!

He has all his teeth in until he's 2.

Here is our schedule:

WU: 6-6:30
S:11:30/12 depending on WU
BT:7 or 7:30 depending on nap.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 19:49:59 pm by KYKatydid »

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: 18 Mo Regression, Naps, EWU
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2016, 11:04:59 am »
Hi it could just be 18 month SR bringing the EW or could be that the nap needs pushing a little later!?

Offline KYKatydid

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Re: 18 Mo Regression, Naps, EWU
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2016, 18:45:18 pm »
It is his 18 mo SR bringing all of that. I'm asking how to survive it and help him through it  ;)

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: 18 Mo Regression, Naps, EWU
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2016, 13:59:03 pm »
Just try and be consistent with routine but maybe offer nap a little later to make sure tired enough. Not tried wake 2 sleep so can't help with that sorry.

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Re: 18 Mo Regression, Naps, EWU
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2016, 14:40:09 pm »
I would continue with the night time W2S as it does seem to have had effect. Night W2S didn't help me with my LO but during naps it was a saviour at times so I think when it works it works great.

For naps, I see the nap time is a little flexible depending on morning Wu time. I would just set it at the 12 or as Zoe said a bit later 12.15 maybe and stick with that regardless of WU time.  If he continues to fuss at nap time for more than 3 days on the set nap time I'd move it another 15 mins and set it there.  So it could be 12.15 or 12.30, then stay there for a good while and see how he settles into it.

The 18 month regression does pass, seems to go on and on but you'll get through eventually. Mine did need a routine tweak and less overall sleep through/after the regression.

Offline KYKatydid

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Re: 18 Mo Regression, Naps, EWU
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2017, 03:41:44 am »
Thank you both for your thoughts! Sorry for the quick reply earlier. We had company coming :)

Sometimes I get confused about when to stick to a schedule and when to flex it, so we will push it and see how it goes. He's always exhausted for a nap, and has no issues going to sleep for naps . It's just staying asleep!

Bed time he's more than ready for bed as well but those early morning hours are rough. With company I hadn't been doing W2S so we will resume that.

With his EWU: he's been a 6AM "up and at it" since around 10ish months old, so I'm not sure if he's stuck in a serious rut, or if he's an early riser who doesn't need as much sleep. He's somewhat spirited (lower end). I've heard/read desiring a nap soon after WU=too early of a WU. Would you all agree?

He's a stubborn bug who is pretty determined to start the day at 6, so not sure if I'm fighting his natural rhythm or not?

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: 18 Mo Regression, Naps, EWU
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2017, 07:17:17 am »
No worries it's hard to concentrate whilst you have company. Honestly my DS1 was an early bird for ages and now at 4.5yrs we get mainly 6.30-7am WU and no amount of tweaking altered that. DS2 is 11 months and he can be gotten back to sleep if wakes early but not always. Most kids unfortunately just like earlier starts than we do lol.

What point in his nap does he wake?

Offline KYKatydid

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Re: 18 Mo Regression, Naps, EWU
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2017, 15:20:23 pm »
Thanks for your reply! We are early to bed early to rise people. So am early start doesn't necessarily bother us if he were to sleep solidly. We were trying to get him to sleep until 6:30 because my husband is starting his Masters in the Spring, and I work two jobs from home (both very much part-time) and liked the idea of starting work at 5 and getting a decent chunk in before he wakes up. But that just may not be possible :)

He pretty much wakes up around 80-90 minutes into his nap, which is half a sleep cycle. He was doing a solid month of 2-2.5 hour naps, sometimes three. So I know he can do it! He just won't go back down after that 80-90 mark. He might if I nurse him but I certainly don't want to create that habit again!

He was up at 5:15 this morning and DH went to comfort and he just screamed on and off (often for milk) until 6. Not fun!

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: 18 Mo Regression, Naps, EWU
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2017, 20:27:26 pm »
I did think 90 min was a sleep cycle for a toddler. Once regression passes it will most likely lengthen again but I'd prob push nap a little to see if he's tired enough to go into next cycle x

Offline KYKatydid

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Re: 18 Mo Regression, Naps, EWU
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2017, 21:32:05 pm »
Thanks so much! We will give it a try :) On days he does have a 90 minute nap, should we put him to bed 30 mins early?

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: 18 Mo Regression, Naps, EWU
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2017, 07:42:55 am »
Yes I would as 1.5 hour nap isn't unusual for some toddlers but if he's used to longer an earlier BT should help keep OT at bay. Could well just be sleep needs changing but by this age mine had moved to a 1pm nap x

Offline KYKatydid

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Re: 18 Mo Regression, Naps, EWU
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2017, 01:36:50 am »
Thank you for all your thoughts! Hoping some adjustments will help :)