Bub wakes up a good bit of naps at the 1.5 hour mark. PD isn't really working.
Bub just fights it for as long as he can. I console him with sometimes rubbing his back, or just by talking to him. So I feel a bit "stuck" with how to handle his naps.
Also, we recently night weaned, and he had been getting up at 5:30 to a T, so this week I've done Wake-To-Sleep at 4:30A.
Night 1: No difference, still up at 5:30
Night 2: He woke up at 4:30 on his own, put him down with some quick reassurance, up at 5:30 and fought it until I nursed him a little after 6, I'm working on pushing that first feed of the day later into the morning) and he slept until 6:30
Night 3: I woke him at 4:30, and he woke up at 6:25 on his own
Should I continue for a few more nights? Should I do WTS for his naps, too? If so, should I wake him at the 45 min mark? Thank you in advance!
He has all his teeth in until he's 2.
Here is our schedule:
WU: 6-6:30
S:11:30/12 depending on WU
BT:7 or 7:30 depending on nap.