It's been a while since I've needed the sleep boards, and I can't say that I'm happy to be back! DD2 is 2yrs 2m and having some horrendous nights. She's been an independent sleeper for ages and has been a good sleeper for about a year now. Before that she was very prone to long NWs, and they are back!
It has been the last couple of weeks that it's gone downhill but specifically the last 4 nights since we've been home. We were away over Christmas, which is when the NWs started but we were staying with family and sharing a room with her and she went back to sleep relatively quickly and quietly. While we were away she was also in a bed for the first time as her grandparents didn't have a crib for her and we didn't want the extra baggage of a travel cot to fly with. She did fine in the bed, didn't get out of it at all, but she is getting out now that we're home.
She has a lot going on - jet lag (7hrs difference), probably SA from having shared a room with us, her last molars have come through sometime in the last couple of weeks so may have caused some disruption although they are out now, BGB, probably some developmental stuff. My problem is I have no clue what to do with her when she's awake at night. I don't mind sleeping on her floor for a while, they all go through stuff and if that what she needs I'd do it. But when I'm there with her she just messes around and it seems like I keep her awake even though I don't engage with her. It drives me insane hearing her shuffle around and fidget. If she would go to sleep with me in the room I'd ride it out but it's not happening.
Since she's typically an IS I thought I'd try WIWO but she goes absolutely nuts when I leave and gets straight out of bed. I've been returning her, telling her the first time that it's time to go to sleep and after that not speaking. She's gone from being right at the door to getting out and standing at the foot of the bed, and from me putting her back in bed to going back herself, so it seems like progress but the nit stalls. I keep thinking it's working as she'll seem like she's calming down, but then she gets ramped up again and it just goes on and on. The last 4 nights she's eventually gone back to sleep with me or DH on her floor after she's lost the plot and worn herself out. She's been awake anywhere from 2-4hrs and I don't know what to do with her! If staying with her doesn't help and leaving doesn't help what do I do?!