So Cruz is one on Thursday he's slept through the night for about a week but suddenly started fighting his naps he goes up and just talks away or cries and makes kids of noise Ino this or porballt because he's going up way to early for them but it was working u til literally a day or two ago I don't have enough hours in the day to fit two naps in and keep his bedtime where I want it 😩
It's normally
6am - wake up
9.30-10.30/11 nap
2-3ish nap
6pm bedtime
He needs about two hours naps to sleep well at night otherwise he's over tired and wakes for ages in the night
But yday he only had one nap which was two hours long but was from 10-12 so it was a long time till bedtime and he woke at 4.30 didn't go back of til 5.30
Ant tips idea ideally he would just have the one nap but after lunch but with a school run at 11ish I'm sure he would fall asleep in the pram which then wouldn't nap long
I don't not whay to do
Pushing his nap to 10am means then I can't fit in another nap really because it would mean nap 10-11 and another nap 3-4 and I don't like him napping after 3 as he goes to bed at 6 latest bedtime would be 6.30 but with a toddler who goes at 6.30 it makes it hard x