My 14.5 month old still won't sleep through the night and won't nap either.
Some background info
She's always struggled to eat due to tongue tie issues but week sorted that, she just doesn't really enjoy food and doesn't tell you when she's hungry. She can go for days without eating solids but she loves her milk.
She has only ever napped for 27 minutes at a time. Never longer, unless we are pushing her in the buggy
She's getting recurrent gastroenteritis and this has necessitated us sleeping with her due to night time projectile vomiting and excruciating tummy pains. She's currently gluten, dairy, wheat, egg, soya, lactose free to try to pin point the issues she's having. She's also on a specialist milk.
She started nursery 7.30am to 4.45pm monday to Thursday back in September and she loves it. But she regularly goes for 12 hours without a nap as she's too busy chatting in her cot or she doesn't show the carers any signs of being tired. They try to put her down between 10/10.30 for a nap. If she refuses they try 12/12.30 and if she does have a morning nap they'll try to give her an afternoon nap around 2/2.30. She more often than not survives the whole day on a 20 minute nap or nothing
We have a good bedtime routine of Bath, bottle, bed but due to her tummy issues she always falls asleep on us as we have to hold her upright after her milk. Due to her lack of sleep in the day (and her lack of interest in food) I have from around 5.15pm to 6.30pm to attempt to give her dinner, bath, bottle etc then bed.
More often than not by bedtime she is getting quite wobbly, rubbing her eyes, refusing to let me put on a nappy etc but she's trying to run around like a nutter. She is also starting to hit herself in the head with her hands
She is normally asleep by 7/7.15pm and can do a stint of about 4 hours then she wakes. We try to ignore her initially as she can settle herself but then she starts ramping up and has been known to scream for 4+ hours. So we assume she's hungry due to her lack of food in the day and give her a bottle. Quite often this settles her pretty quickly and she's back in her cot.
We've just been through another bout of gastroenteritis and I've slept with her for 4 days and now she's waking every few hours, wanting milk but now she's not settling and only wants to sleep with us.
I'm ill with gastroenteritis myself now, we're all so sleep deprived that we can't get well. The only way we can settle her during the day is to take her out walking in the buggy (she'll sleep for an hour) or to drive her in the car
We've tried stopping the night time feeds but it doesn't work, we've tried not rocking her, we've had two sleep coaches, we're at our wits end. Even the nursery are baffled and want to help
Can anyone help? People who say, make sure they have a long nap, I don't know how and neither does she!!