Author Topic: EARLY daycare drop off  (Read 1404 times)

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EARLY daycare drop off
« on: February 15, 2017, 17:00:36 pm »
Hey all! My little one is 9 weeks old and will be heading to daycare at 12 weeks. I work at a hospital and will be dropping him off at 6am at the hospital daycare and try to clock in by 615. We live really close which makes it nice. I'm thinking he'll have to be up by 5:15 so we can be out the door by 5:45. The daycare wants you to feed before bringing him in. He'll be in the infant room where the ratio is 1 adult to 2 children. I watch for tired clues and put him down for a nap before he gets tired. He goes down relatively easy, but it does take some effort. We moved him to his crib last week. He naps with the curtains drawn and a sound machine. When the grandparent Are with him he doesn't nap well. They always say he "wasn't tired". Like I said, I have to put him down for a nap, (unless we're out and about in the car seat). I need help adjusting his easy! Do I make 5am wake time? Remember daylight savings is coming up!!

S8:15-10 (usually resettled after 45min)

E 10
S 1130-1300

E 1300

S this is always an unpredictable cat nap

E 180O
S this also is a catnap, if he sleeps at all. Usually a bit of a fussy period around 7

1930-bedtime routine
2000 eat than bed

E- anywhere from 2-4:30 (we never know!)

Note: I've tried not cluster feeding in the evening and just doing a dreamfeed. He still wakes up around the same times. I noticed it didn't make a difference and I like to be in bed by 9pm :)

Any help would be awesome!!!

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Re: EARLY daycare drop off
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2017, 18:50:19 pm »
Welcome to BW forums :)

Not that I've ever experienced this but I can see two options:
1. gradually make WU time earlier, 15 mins at a time each day or every other day until you achieve your preferred WU time of 5.15am  With each move of WU time also shift all E and S times.  Your routine should then look basically the same but with everything coming earlier including BT. With BT coming earlier, in theory you should also be able to get to bed earlier and everyone have a decent night.
2. as he is still pretty small you could just leave him for now and wait until the day, lift, nappy, feed, into car seat and carry him out allowing him to nod back off in the car seat if he wants and just carry the car seat into day care with him sleeping. Let them know roughly how long his A time is and let them work it out through the day.  This way, if he continued to finish his night sleep in the car seat BT would, in theory, come later which could mean you get to spend a bit more time with him.

Others may have some other ideas for you too.