Thank you so much for your reply. I apologize for my delay. Every day is busy, but we had the stomach flu this week and are still trying to recover from that. The baby hasn't been affected too badly, but I wonder if he (Anselm) doesn't have a touch of it.
I wanted to update you on how he is doing, and clarify a couple of your suggestions.
First of all, each night has gotten better since the move to the crib on Saturday. Last night, Anselm woke early - about 9:45 pm instead of 10 pm. I nursed him, but he didn't seem terribly hungry and laid down peacefully. I woke up to him screaming at 12 (a normal wake up & feed time). By the time I woke & got my body to move out of bed, he was silent! I stood there and waited a couple minutes, then went to check on him. He was sleeping! On top of his blankets, but that was the least of my worries!
I woke again at 4am, puzzled why he hadn't woken at 2am (another normal wake up time) (I don't remember the last time I slept for 4 hours straight!). I went to check on him - he was still sleeping! He woke shortly after I checked on him, but nursed & laid down peacefully again and slept until 6:30 am. That was the best night sleep I think he maybe has ever had.
I have given him Motrin two nights in a row now - that seems to make an immediate difference in his temperament. I am generally against medicating and seek alternatives wherever possible, but his teething discomfort does seem significant. In addition, in the last two days he has not needed the pacifier at night at all, but laid down peacefully when I was done nursing him!
To clarify your suggestions, in case this gets worse again:
1) I remember this 9-12 month age being the worst with my boys. I don't recall any of them sleeping this badly, but each of them have their own quirks.
2) Thank you for your teething behavior suggestions. They mirror closely the behavior we are seeing.
3) You said, "As for the NW's even with medicine, consider choosing one way to comfort him and try that for at least 4-5 days." Are you suggesting this instead of nursing him at each of his night wakings?
4) I recall in the past when there was more than one night feeding (after a certain age / stage) picking each, diminishing the minutes he nursed each night, and gradually eliminating them. Is that what you suggest?
Thank you for your help,