My daughter is 18.5 months old & ACTUALLY sleeping pretty well - compared to the last 18 months of her life. She typically sleeps 830-830, which is amazing! But she's only napping about 1.5ish hours everyday. Is this a pretty good sign that I need to increase her A time at this point or let it be until we run into any issues? She's also been sort of waking up, like half asleep, at about 7 every morning. All we do is rub her back for a second & she sleeps til 8/830.
Current routine:
8: WU & milk
830: Breakfast
12: Lunch
1: Nap (approx 1.5 hours)
230: WU & milk
3: Snack
630: Dinner
745: Bath
8/815: Bedtime routine
830/845: Asleep
Thank you for any reassurance or advice!