Author Topic: 8 week old wakes up when he's put down  (Read 1429 times)

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Offline Gwigan

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8 week old wakes up when he's put down
« on: March 26, 2017, 01:56:07 am »
Hi. I have an 8 week old who will only sleep when I'm holding him. He had trouble gaining weight at first (due to a bad lip and tongue tie we had revised)  so he nursed around the clock, which is why I held him to sleep. (Never wanted to establish that habit.) but now he wakes up whenever I put him down, even after waiting 20 mins for him to be deep asleep. We swaddle, do white noise, dark room, etc. so how can I break him of this? Both of us are sleeping terribly. It's exhausting. Shush pat does not seem to calm him, which we try st bed time and naps. Any advice is appreciated!

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Re: 8 week old wakes up when he's put down
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2017, 03:29:59 am »
Hugs momma!  I'll be honest, he's 8 weeks old.  He's still very new to the world.  He has spent 9 months sleeping while being continuously rocked and with the sound of your heartbeat to calm him.  The world is still a very scary place for him.  I wouldn't worry about being held to sleep as a bad habit this early on at all. 

That said, let's have a look at his daily routine to see if there is something that could be disrupting sleep.  Could you please post your EASY?

Offline Gwigan

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Re: 8 week old wakes up when he's put down
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2017, 16:03:57 pm »
I can accept that. That actually makes me feel better. I just want to make sure I'm not setting us up for major failure later. He was also 3 weeks early, so he's a little bit like a younger baby. It's just that neither of us is sleeping well. But we can muddle through for another month and resassess. We aren't really on EASY because he has no awake time to speak of. It is almost impossible to get him to sleep other than nursing or wearing. We try every nap and bed time for an hour and all we end up with is an overtired baby and exhausted backs. So I'm thinking I'll just keep doing what I'm doing any try again when he's older.

We start the day around 8am and he eats every 3 hours. Then he'll either nurse to sleep, or have a brief awake period, then I'll wear him in a carrier and he'll fall asleep. Repeat every 3 hours. We just started a bedtime routine the last two nights, but he gets exhausted before we can get him to fall asleep with SH pat and we end up wearing or nursing. My husband is very helpful and will wear him for a stretch so I can sleep. We also have a 4 year old daughter in the mix.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 16:10:47 pm by Gwigan »

Offline ginger428

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Re: 8 week old wakes up when he's put down
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2017, 01:53:12 am »
More hugs.. I remember that period and it feeling like torture.

I echo Kara... I would nurse/rock to sleep for now and get everyone well rested. It sounds like your LO can use the cuddling for a bit longer. XO