Author Topic: Sleep Regression 14/15m old  (Read 1333 times)

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Offline Avitalwhite

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Sleep Regression 14/15m old
« on: May 12, 2017, 16:04:20 pm »

I started using the baby whisperer methods when my son was 2 months old. For a while now he has been a good sleeper, taking naps and sleeping through the night thank G-d. But a few things happened at once and I gave in to cuddling him to sleep, and now he gets very upset when I put him in the crib. We went away for a week and he slept in a pack n play instead of his crib which he didn't like, he got a cold and then hand foot mouth disease and he is currently teething molars. He also learned to stand in his crib shortly before this which sometimes would distract him from sleeping. I also think he has been going through the 2-1 nap transition, but with my current state of things I'm lucky if he even gets one nap - I have an exhausted baby on my hands. I know it's my fault for ruining his great sleep- and I don't have a plan to fix it. I tried walk-in-walk-out and it worked a couple of times for his nighttime sleep, but not as well for naps. I think maybe I need some tips on this- like what should I do when I can't get him to lie down in the crib and he will only stand up, how to comfort when he's hysterical even when I'm in he room? Thank you so much for any and all advice!

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Sleep Regression 14/15m old
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2017, 20:07:49 pm »
Hi there, gosh it tiring when we can't figure out how to fix something.

How does the day look it i.e. Wake up, nap BT etc!?

Offline Avitalwhite

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Re: Sleep Regression 14/15m old
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2017, 01:48:43 am »

So it's hard to say now because a lot of days are trying again and again for a nap and it changes the entire days routine- but I'll post what it would look like recently and on "easyier" days, so to speak.

Wake- around 7:30

Breastfeed very little, straight to playing and breakfast

Nap- around 9:30 (he used to sleep for two to three hours during his morning nap, or even longer, now the longest would be about 2.5 hour)

Lunch- around 12:30/1

Activity- try to get out of the house, playgroup,park, errands, etc.

Snacks along the way

Try for a nap- 3:30/4 (used to take a short nap, very rare now, I often don't even try)

More snacks and activities if he doesn't nap, if he does nap, play a few minutes and then dinger

Dinner- around 6:30

Followed by a bath, story hugs and kisses and bed- at which point I used to leave him smiling, close the door and could pretty much guess that I would not hear from him until the next morning, now I try to do walk in walk out, with sometimes being successful and during the night he has been crying- his molars are defiantly coming in as well

Actually in bed and asleep between 7:30 and 8:15

Thank you!

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Sleep Regression 14/15m old
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2017, 05:19:40 am »
Hi I think your problem is that he's OT by BT, at this age that first nap needs to be much later in the day most LO at this stage are on one nap.

As a comparrasion our day is
WU 6.30 ish
Nap 12-2
Bt 7

You could try pushing his nap later or giving a 30 min CN around 9.40 then trying for long nap about 1pm

I think if try one of the above, of course it's only a suggestion but you may find come BT he's more ready for sleep.