So it's hard to say now because a lot of days are trying again and again for a nap and it changes the entire days routine- but I'll post what it would look like recently and on "easyier" days, so to speak.
Wake- around 7:30
Breastfeed very little, straight to playing and breakfast
Nap- around 9:30 (he used to sleep for two to three hours during his morning nap, or even longer, now the longest would be about 2.5 hour)
Lunch- around 12:30/1
Activity- try to get out of the house, playgroup,park, errands, etc.
Snacks along the way
Try for a nap- 3:30/4 (used to take a short nap, very rare now, I often don't even try)
More snacks and activities if he doesn't nap, if he does nap, play a few minutes and then dinger
Dinner- around 6:30
Followed by a bath, story hugs and kisses and bed- at which point I used to leave him smiling, close the door and could pretty much guess that I would not hear from him until the next morning, now I try to do walk in walk out, with sometimes being successful and during the night he has been crying- his molars are defiantly coming in as well
Actually in bed and asleep between 7:30 and 8:15
Thank you!