Hi again BecJ
Sorry to bother you again. Trying the DF at 10. So the first night was great. DF -at 10pm, next feed at 4. I think he could have gone even longer and I went in slightly before he was fully awake.
The last two nights he has woken between 2 & 230. Knowing that he has previously done 5.5-6 hours every night, I have just kept him going with settling & dummy until 330 to try get him used to that being his long sleep. I am not sure if this is the right thing to do or am I just being cruel? It just seems crazy that after a dream feed he is now waking after 4 hours only so that means getting up twice a night after DF. Last night even after being pushed to 330, he only took 90ml of his 120ml. I will be continuing to try with the dream feed regardless.
What do you think? Thanks again for your help. As you can probably tell, I am quite an anxious mum!!