I think you are only on day 2 of the EASY routine and shush/pat, it will get easier as the days go by.
The thing is with young babies (and all children) is that there really are times when it is utterly exhausting and hard work, and times when things get easier, and through all of that you have a wonderful child to love and who loves you - don't lose sight of that
It will all be worth it.
The 4 month regression is something that happens with most babies (or at least most I see on the boards, of course those who do not have difficulties may not go looking for forums such as these) and will happen (or not) regardless of whether your LO is sleep trained early.
I started very gentle sleep training on day one with my DS, he was very young of course and it took lots of time and was not always successful but by about 8 wks he was falling to sleep independently and by 10 weeks he even showed a preference for his own bed upstairs rather than the travel cot I wanted him to sleep in in our family room where I could stay close. Thing were going well, his wind down was quick and after putting him down I just left the room and he would nod off in moments and sleep for 2hrs. Lovely. However, at 3.5 months (so roughly 14 wks...only a few weeks after being fully independent and doing great naps) his 4 month regression came early (he was almost two weeks over at birth so in effect he was already 4 months old) and I had no idea it was coming or what had hit me. 40 min naps, cranky baby, wouldn't stay asleep, I couldn't believe it...and that's when I found this place. Honestly I had 2 months of pretty awful routine but at 5.5 months it passed.
I don't want to make it out like a nightmare, but it can be a very tricky phase even with an independent sleeper.
Some people choose not to sleep train until LO is 4 months and I personally find it harder to advise people at that time because short naps could be the regression, could be poor routine with inappropriate timings or it could be due to not being able to self settle or transition between sleep cycles, for me it is harder to figure out with so many variables. But even so, people do successfully sleep train at that age too.
The thing is with the 4 month regression *it will pass*. All these tricky phase *do pass*.
I'd like to say you are worrying for nothing because really there isn't much you can do to avoid it.
There are so many "regressions" and other reasons for sleep disturbance throughout the baby and toddler years..even through the bigger kid years (mine came into me in the middle of the night last night having had a nightmare, it is rare but he climbed in with me and later woke us all up again when he fell out of my bed! It happens and we didn't sleep brilliantly but that's kids, you know?) and no matter what you do you will not be able to avoid them all. Illness, teething, developmental leaps, they all disturb sleep and you will get through them all even when it feels really hard.
Yes it helps if LO is an independent sleeper. Clearly I am a big believer in giving the gift of sleep to your child, giving the gift of trusting you so much that they no longer need you every second of the day, that's why I focused my efforts so much when mine was young and I have always been pleased I did. When we have one of these tricky times I know I can help him to sleep and when he is ready to return to independence he will do with very little encouragement.
If you don't feel ready at this point to continue with the sleep training then there is no pressure to continue (you are still very welcome to hang out here on the boards for all your questions and in the birth clubs threads where there are parents with similar aged babies for general chat). You need to take care of your own needs too and it does sound like you are worrying a good deal about what is happening now and what will happen in the future. Of course we all worry, that's a parents job hey? If though you feel you are overwhelmed or overly stressed it might be an idea to look at the Edinburgh test or reach out for support in real life, perhaps talk with your DH, your health visitor or doctor?
Here's a link for the test
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=43462.0There's a chance that your timing is not quite right for LO. If you have been recording your EAS times you can post them for me to look at? it's best if you post a whole day/night from WU (wake up) to BT (bed time) and include DF (dream feed) or NF (night feeds) and NWs (night waking not for food). also include and short notes about what happened, like this:
WU 7
E 7
A 1hr
S 8 - 8.40 with jolts and resettle at 8.10, would not resettle at 8.40 crying hard
A took out of room to calm down
S 9.40 - 10 jolts at 10 and 17 mins would not resettle, cried hard
E 10
S 10.30 - 11.30 in arms/sling jolted and resettled
...and so on.
Don't worry about if the routine is EASASAE or whatever order, just note down what happens when.
Hope this helps x