Please could I get some help tweaking our EASY routine?
My DS will be 24weeks this week* and the last few days his naps have fallen apart and I'm fairly sure that his A time is now too short. I'm also confused as I've read different things about A time at his age, with some other websites saying that at 6 months the A time should be only about 2hr15mins, whereas I've seen on here that it can be 2.5-3hrs!
I had been going with a 2hr15min A time, apart from the first A which I found he preferred to be only 2hours. He is exclusively BF and I've struggled to push all of his feeds out to 4hours - I find he can manage this sometimes, but he seems to still like 3.5hrs and I know some bf baby never manage to make 4hrly feeds. He has also started having solids twice a day on the advice of our consultant and HV (as he has suffered with reflux).
Up until last few days his EASY has been roughly this:
6:45 WU (this seems to just be his natural wake up time)
7:15 E (I find he needs some 'awake time' before he'll take breakfast in the mornings)
7:30 A
8:45 S (we were getting 1.5hrs, sometimes 2hrs)
10:15 A
10:45 E (milk)
11:00 E (solids)
11:15 A
12:30 S (we were getting 1.5hrs)
14:00 A
14:15 E
16:15 S (cat nap)
17:00 A
17:45 E (milk)
18:00 E (solids)
18:15 Bath/Massage/Book/top-up feed (doesn't always take this any more)
18:45-19:00 BT
We don't do a dream feed (as never found it worked with him) and he usually wakes between 3-4am for a feed. Sometimes he'll also stir at 5:30am, but I can get him back to sleep.
But last few days his naps have become shorter and yesterday we couldn't get him to take a nap at all in the afternoon! I'm sure it's because his A time is too short.
I don't find he's very good at giving me tired cues, so we generally clock watch and had found that had been working. He has a good wind down routine, and he usually falls asleep within a few minutes (with gentle shush pat, or just holding my hand on him). He definitely can make it through transitions on his own (he just did today for his lunchtime nap when he ended up going down late as we were out), and he is a good sleeper at night. However, he can't fall asleep completely independently and needs me to be sitting with a hand on him still. We don't use a dummy.
Do you think I should increase A to 2.5hrs? Also, any advice on what time he should have his 2 solid meals? At the moment I give him them straight after his milk and that seems to work, but is that ok? Thank you
*On a side note, I always get confused when people refer to a baby being '6 months'. Do they mean calendar months, or is '6 months' a set number of weeks? I always think of my LO reaching their month bday on a certain date in the month, so in my mind he won't officially be 6 months until 29th June.