I think we are in the 2 yr sleep regression but it's beeen about a month now so starting to wonder if something else is up. Basically DD chats for a good hour sometimes more every night at BT and also before naps (although shorter). She does it all of the time regardless of the day's routine, short nap, early BT, late BT, etc so I don't think it is routine related.
I was going to switch her to a BGB but now I am not sure what to do. I don't want her getting up etc. But at the same time I wonder if shés starting to feel like she doesn't have enough space in her crib? She does have quite a few stuffed animals in her crib, a blankie, a pillow etc.
Any thoughts? Is a month normal for this regression?
Prior to this her routine was:
WU 8:00
Nap 1-3 at daycare, 1-4 at home
BT 8:00
Now she wakes a little earlier (mostly 7-7:30), her naps have shortened a bit and BT is around 7:30. She has always been HSN and also always super easy to fall asleep at BT.