Author Topic: Returning newbie with 15 week old who hates sleep  (Read 1496 times)

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Offline Ladylawman

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Returning newbie with 15 week old who hates sleep
« on: June 19, 2017, 08:24:31 am »
Hi all. I'm a second time mum to kit (15 wks). I also have a toddler, Patrick, who is 2.5. Patrick is a brilliant little sleeper, so I've been really knocked by kit, who seems to hate it!

I got really obsessed with routine with Patrick, so I was determined to be more baby led this time. But after 3 months of no routine, crap naps and worse nights, I've had enough! I need some structure! He is ebf, sleeps in a cosleeper next to the bed, we have blackout blinds, and he sleeps on his tummy (I know this is against guidelines but it's the way he prefers to sleep). I'd love love love any advice on how I help him (and me) sleep better.

Example day:
 6.30/ 7 wake up
he wakes a lot in the early morning and feeds (comfort possibly. Difficult to refuse in this heat! so not very hungry for breakfast)
Awake for 1.5 hours. Watch for tired signs (yawning, grumpy)
8 nap (blinds, music, pat). He falls asleep alone
Then he wakes at 45 mins. I've succeeded with ssh pat once and got 2 hours. But that was tough. Usually 20-45 mins
E: 9
S: 1100 (30mins usually in buggy)
E: 12
S: 2 (30 mins in cot)
E: 3
S: I try to get him down for another nap at about 5.30 (I pick up my toddler at 5 so is later than I'd like)
E: 6
Bath, boob, bed by 7.30
Wakes 1030 for feed, then again around 2.30, and after that is every 1-1.5 hours until morning. Try to resettle if less than three hours since last feed (but again in this heat it's hard fo refuse)

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Re: Returning newbie with 15 week old who hates sleep
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2017, 11:50:10 am »
Welcome back :)

Looking at your routine then you might find more consistency if you watch the clock a bit more.  Your first A time is around 1hr or 1hr 30 depending on WU time and this could be a bit short to get a good nap.  After that though the A times look quite long, so 8.45 - 11.00 is 2hr 15 which is long for his age and particularly as it is coming after a short nap rather than a restorative nap.
Guidance A time is approx 1hr 45 to 2hrs so I'd probably try 1hr 45 for a few days or a week and see what happens - does extending or using W2S get easier? Does mood improve?  Does the 30 min nap become a 40 min nap?  Then have another look.
What do you think?

With the NFs it sounds like the night starts out well with 3 and 4hr stretches between E but then the 1.5hr NFs are obviously very tiring for you and LO.  If it is temporary due to a growth spurt or the additional heat (UK heatwave?) I'd just go with it for now and reassess when the weather or GS has moved on.

Offline Ladylawman

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Re: Returning newbie with 15 week old who hates sleep
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2017, 08:32:45 am »
Thank you so much for your advice. I'll watch the clock closed, and also try extending morning a time. Is it best to try and deal with naps first and night times next?

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Re: Returning newbie with 15 week old who hates sleep
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2017, 17:45:24 pm »
Day sleep effects night sleep so you might find the nights change anyway when you change the day time routine - but as I said before the additional waking and feeding overnight might be temporary, you said yourself about the heat at the moment so I'd focus on the day for now.
See how things go for a few days.