Hi guys! I would need an help 'cause I am very tired....! I have two 3-months years old twins (boys). They were born premature (33 weeks) but they have been recovering pretty good. I am following the 4- hours routine for a week. It is going very well in general, but I have a problem with early awakening in the morning. I'll describe it for you: we feed them at 7 p.m., then they usually fall asleep at 8 pm, we give the dreamfeed at about 10:30 pm. They usually sleep very well untill the 4:30 am..at this time, they start moaning (it seems to me that the cause maybe colics, or breathing problems,...), so I usully give the paci to them and they continue sleeping for another 30/1 hour..they do that until 6:30 when they definitely wake up for eating. So I usually give them the formula and afterwards we continue sleeping till 9:30 am. I am very tired of these kind of nights and I am wondering if I am making some mistakes in the routine or I have just to wait them to get older. Thanks a lot!!!