My DD is almost 4 months old. She has been on EASY since we came home from the hospital. We are working on transitioning from 3 hour to 4 hour and her naps are improving.
She has never ever taken a full DF. No matter how much we offer or when it is between 10 and 11, she won't take more than 2.5 oz if she takes any. Some days her last feeding is a BT around 7 and she still won't drink any at 11.
She is still NW or EW or both and I think if she took more of the DF she may not do that as much or at all, am I wrong to think that?
She eats between 4.5 and 6 oz. at all other feedings.
Yesterday, we offered less the last 2 bottles and it was the same and she had 2 NW instead of 1.
Any advice on what I should do?