Author Topic: Not sure what to try with my 12mo  (Read 1625 times)

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Offline cs1588

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Not sure what to try with my 12mo
« on: July 27, 2017, 13:52:25 pm »
She JUST turned a year old. We've been experiencing night wakings for the last two weeks (she used to STTN) and early wakings. She's still on two naps, and seems to be using them. Here's yesterday (pretty typical)

5:30 WU... nurse/bottle (she's very close to giving up nursing)
8  breakfast
9  nap
11 I wake her from her nap
12  lunch/bottle
2:15  nap
3:30 wakes up from nap on her own
4 snack
5:45 dinner
7  bedtime, asleep around 7:30

last night she woke up at midnight. She stands (a new skill for her) and screams. My husband usually goes in, which is what happened last night. He takes her out of the crib, sits in the chair with her for a few minutes, then puts her back in the crib as she gets sleepy. And the 5:30 WU is early! It used to be 6:30. Then it was 6... I fear for the future!

The last time I tried making changes on my own, things went terribly, so I'm just looking for advice. I'm thinking I can/should move the morning nap back (??). But then what will happen with the afternoon nap?

Offline ginger428

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Re: Not sure what to try with my 12mo
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2017, 17:23:03 pm »
Hi there and welcome to BW!

It is probably developmental and should pass.  My son also screamed for us when he learned new physical skills, through verbal developments, and teeth.  I would encourage your husband and yourself to soothe her in her crib if she's not inconsolable as opposed to taking her out.  Try to not speak too much as to wake her fully and help her get back to sleep.  If she doesn't respond well to it at first, just do it gradually... perhaps to a point where you can lift her just a couple inches off the mat, and as you put her down apply gentle pressure with hands.. Sometimes I would hug him in the crib.

I don't know her history of total sleep per day, but generally around this age and again around each half birthday and birthday, you'll want to assess their total day and night sleep.  Since her night is 10 hours, she may need less day sleep.  Here is a link to avg (just avg, depends on the baby!) amounts of sleep.
I would aim to move her nap out to 9:30 gradually, with a wake up time at 11, so that her nap shortens to 1.5 hrs but your routine including the pm nap remains the same.

And when you're ready, here is the info for the 2-1 nap transition.

Hope that helps!

Offline cs1588

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Re: Not sure what to try with my 12mo
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2017, 15:46:44 pm »
Oh yes, that definitely helped. And I think you were right. We've been back to normal excellent sleep the last few days (and nights! *knock on wood*) without any significant change from us. I am moving her morning nap back--we're at 9:15 now. THANK YOU!

It really helps just to be heard, and to hear ideas. I've been browsing the forums quite a bit the past year, and have never actually posted anything because I seem to always find someone else's experience that very closely matches mine. These boards have been a wonderful resource. Again, thank you... ALL of you!

Offline cs1588

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Re: Not sure what to try with my 12mo
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2017, 14:43:59 pm »
an update:

Now I *really* think you were right about this being development. LO is pretty much back to "normal" except we are moving that first nap later in the day.

She's also having a much better time going to sleep, both initially and when she wakes up. Two mornings ago she woke up at 4am screaming. I checked the camera and she was already standing up. But within 20 seconds, she had laid herself back down. She went right back to sleep. Babies are amazing!

Offline ginger428

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Re: Not sure what to try with my 12mo
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2017, 14:03:20 pm »
Apologies for being MIA.

I am SO HAPPY to hear that things are back to normal.  The hard part is that we never know really until it passes... or it doesn't.
I'm also so glad that you've found this site resourceful and supportive.  Feel free to peruse and lend a comment here and there. We could always use more moral support and been there done that experiences.

They ARE so amazing, aren't they??? <3