The big boy has been 3 hourly, and getting through the 12 week growth spurt, has upped his milk but still keeping the same routine:
NF 4am, 7am, 10, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm ish, DF 10.30 = 7 feeds of 5/6oz (5 day + DF + NF)
Previously he wasn't taking much DF but this has increased prob for the spurt.
Now, over the last 2 days he is refusing half of his day feeds and become really fussy. He is still taking 4oz of the DF and all of the NF. Today I am trying him on the 3.5 hourly schedule to see if he will take more and is beginning to have more A.
I can't remember from my lg but are 2 NF's usual and will going 3.5hrs help get 7 bottles to 6?