Oh my DD2 has been a sleep pickle from the beginning and she's still at it! She's 2y8m now and I think her nap needs to go but I'm not sure how to make it happen. DD1 was a piece of cake - I put her down every day, she either slept or she didn't and I adjusted BT accordingly. She was mostly done by this age.
Annabel still naps every day and seemingly needs it. She hasn't done well with a capped nap when I've tried that, and on the very occasional times she's had a NND she's had night terrors. So I concluded that she does best with a longer nap and a shorter night, and for a while now she's been doing WU 5.30, nap 12.30-2, BT 7.30. The 5.30 start isn't ideal but this routine has worked for her, her mood is good, it fits in with school runs and it's been doable. I figured at some point in the not too distant future she would start dropping her nap and WU would shift later.
HOWEVER, she loves her nap and what's happening instead is she's throwing in more frequent even earlier WUs, 5am or (barf) sometimes starting with a 4. It's no longer ok!! We don't let her get up until 6 to start the day, but she never goes back to sleep if she wakes up after 4.30. I'm pretty sure the nap needs to go so that she gets her sleep at night, but how do I make that happen when she's up so early? It makes it so hard to get out and do anything in the morning because if we're in the car she'll fall asleep and I don't want to reinforce the EW with an early nap. But DD1 is off school for the summer and I don't want to be stuck at home either. There's no way she can make it through a NND from 4.30. With DD1 I was a huge fan of EBT, but I can't even do that because an early BT of 6pm is still a really long day. EBT for Annabel would be going to bed at like 3pm!! Help!