hey! thank you so much for your answer and taking time to make it so long! we really appreciate it!
firstly, last night we tried for the first time doing df at 11 PM, but I realised I didn't like it, as I would get much less sleep that way. so the feeds were at 8,11, 2.30 and he tried waking up at 4, but I managed to extend it to 6.30...so quite a rough night
it's great to know that at this age they only can do one long stretch, so I know what to expect! I will try doing a feed then around 4-5 am, even though in the past when I have done so, he hasn't fallen asleep again and wants to stay awake for the normal 1h, even though the conditions are like at 2 am
a question about jolting....he does this thing where he lifts his legs up...to 45 or 90 degrees and then lowers them down and moves head left to right...is this jolting...he starts to do it at the end of the cycle, first a little bit and slowly and then more and more vigorously and in the end adds crying to it, but eyes are closed. is jolting more like reflex? this seems more like a conscious move he makes...
yesterday it seemed to me that he was very overtired, kept on waking up crying and was grumpy during activity time too, so I decided to let him sleep on my lap for two rounds. we have a hammock where I put him to sleep. he slept two times 2,5 h naps...am I right in doing that? wander also if it is a developmental thing, but I really don't see any sleepy cues with him....sometimes he rubs his eyes after being awake for 20 min...at the moment I decide whether it is naptime by seeing if he whines when I put him on my shoulder...if he doesn't then probably he was bored, if yes, he is tired...seems to work for us. I will keep an eye out for a bit longer awake times!!!!
do you think that it is a problem that at the moment our routine looks more like A-E-A-S? because he gets hungry after 3 h, but when he wakes up it usually just 2 or 2,5 h from last feed.
yesterday I found a good feed about implementing HTTJ, description by days and what would be the difficult moments, I believe it was written by you, but I lost it. do you know which one I mean?
very big thanks again for your support and time!!!
Liis (and Jakob)