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Offline leesa001

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10 mo still not Sleeping!!!
« on: August 11, 2017, 14:13:07 pm »
10 mo still not Sleeping!!!
I'm  other sure what do do with my lo anymore.
He goes down for naps fine without assistance, but nights he's still waking every 2-3hours, and most recently at some point in the middle of the night during one of his many frequent wakings, it will take me 2 hours to get him to fall back asleep.

He will now only fall asleep at night if I'm in the room  with him. Usually he would go to sleep within 5 minutes of putting him down, but now all of a sudden its taking me 2 hours to get him to fall asleep at night.    Pupd isn't an option anymore, he's too heavy and the crib Is too low because he's standing now.  If I try to leave the room he angrily yells at me
I'm going back to work in a month, this has got to stop.
He is a very stubborn grumpy baby with what I think has a strong separation anxiety.

He's on a 3-3.5 hr easy.   Takes 2 naps for a total of 3-4 hours day sleep, sometimes less
First nap is usually longer and sooner because I believe he's tired from the unrestfull night and catching up on sleep
 Typical easy is
Wu 730
Nurse, eat breakfast
S 1030-1230
Nurse eat lunch
S 330/400-530
Nurse eat dinner
630 bath
730 read stories and bed
Lately won't fights sleep until 9

Please HELP!

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: 10 mo still not Sleeping!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2017, 14:37:33 pm »
Honestly hun he sounds UT to me - 4hrs of daytime sleep is really a lot, so I suspect he just simply isn't tired at night, and there isn't enough A time between the last nap and BT.  I would probably start by capping daytime sleep to 3 hours max.  If he generally takes a really solid 2hr morning nap, then I would cap the afternoon nap to 1hr, and wouldn't let him sleep any later than 4:30pm, and with that I wouldn't even attempt BT until 7:30/8.

At this age my DD would also do a good long morning nap, but I didn't let her sleep longer than 45-mins in the afternoon and for us, no later than 4pm.

He is also probably starting the early/beginning stages of the 2-1, so here is some good reading information on that :)

Offline KBolton

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Re: 10 mo still not Sleeping!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2017, 08:34:02 am »
Hi Hun,

Every baby is different with their awake times, and I find it takes me a bit of tweaking with the timings and my bubs goes back to sleeping through.

My baby awake times are currently 2.5h in morning, 4h  in afternoon and 3.45h in evening. I do not let her sleep past 4pm in the second nap, as this means she'll be up late and not ready for her 7:30pm bedtime. I would look at your last awake time, as 2h is very short for 10mo.

I believe that 10mo only need 2-3h sleep during the day. If they get too much, it can start to detract from their night sleep.if my LO does a long morning sleep, I only let her do 45mins (except if sick or recovering from an exhausting day or night).  It definitely looks like your LO is starting he 2-1 nap transistion.

Good luck! It's always frustrating when the routine needs tweaking, but I'm sure you'll get back to where you were.

Offline leesa001

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Re: 10 mo still not Sleeping!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2017, 11:28:59 am »
Thank you both.
I've started adjusting his awake times now, but nights have been horrible since birth.  Every 2-3hours. It like he treats his night sleep like he does his naps.   Undertired or not.  I don't know how to stop these frequent night wakings.  Nursing or  pacifier, he just wants my presence. If I stay in the room, he wants to play, if I leave he screams.
My dd at this age was only waking once a night, and if she woke, she would play on her own for s little bit, and fall back asleep.  Same thing upon awaking from sleep, she would play on her own for a bit, but my son just wails for me.

Are there any other methods to get him to sleep on his own again I can use in addition to shortening his naps?

Offline KBolton

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Re: 10 mo still not Sleeping!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2017, 19:09:16 pm »
Some babies wake from habit, they just miss their parents and want a cuddle and a bit of milk. Once your sure your LO isn't undertired, you might want to consider night weaning. If your LO is eating well during the day and when he wakes at night he's not taking a full feed, then I would drop one feed at a time.

When my LO would wake, I (or husband) would go in and comfort her, but would not feed. The idea is to let them know they are loved but don't make it to fun for them that they continue to wake. I would keep her in the crib and sit with her, sing, stroke but didn't get her up (this was my sleep training method). She would often go back to sleep, but would cry for a bit. After 2 nights of this she had dropped the first feed. The next feed sorted itself out after that, I would only feed her after 3:30am as she was a bit younger and got hungry (she never took to a dream feed). This feed got later and later and she began sleeping through until morning! Providing she ate well during the day, was healthy and not teething, then she only took max one night feed.

I would suggest settling your LO without a feed the first time they wake (providing they are well fed and heathly), then decide on a time, you think they'll be hungry and from that time if they wake, you can feed them. I spent a few nights, going in and when I fed her I took note of part and full feeds. If it was a part feed, the next night, when I went in I didn't feed her.

My LO did go through a developemental leap around 9/10 months where she started waking more frequently during the night, but she normally sleeps through. She always sleeps badly during leaps but magically starts sleeping great, as soon as they are over!  If he's waking more than normal, it could be a developmental leap and should sort itself out in a week or so.

I was meaning to say in my previous post, my LO sleeps 2-3 hours during the day and 11 hours at night. I think this is about average. Many babies don't do 12h nights.

Offline leesa001

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Re: 10 mo still not Sleeping!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2017, 02:13:48 am »
Thanks before the leap I was trying to night wean, but could only manage 3 hours between feeds.   He wouldnt just cry, but scream at me.  I would try to offer just water, but this would make him more angry at me.  Eventually he would still wake frequently but I could satisfy him with a pacifier sometimes.  Now he only wants to nurse to sleep.  I'm worried that he's getting jnto the habit of that again. But, I give in because I'm dead tired from being woken up every hour, and then his crying wakes my dd. 
   I can't wait for this leap to be over!
And If my husband goes in my son yells at him angrily because it's not Me!   
It's such a fight with this boy!  He is so stubborn!

Today hes had 3 hours day sleep, and he's woken up every hour since I put him to bed tonight, and it's only 10pm.
It's going to be a long night

Offline leesa001

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Re: 10 mo still not Sleeping!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2017, 08:34:44 am »
So it's been about a week.  Ive capped his naps to 3hrs.   But there's days when he gets less..  hes not fighting going to bed fine but still waking every 2 hours sometimes less.
Tonight he's been up about4 times and took me 2 hours to get him to fall back asleep from 1-3am, and then again from 4-5   all awhile crying.  He was also just fed!  Going out of my mind Here!   

Offline leesa001

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Re: 10 mo still not Sleeping!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2017, 02:04:25 am »
Update .  Its been 10 dqys since ive capped his naps to 3 hours.
So babe is good going down to sleep at bedtime but is still waking frequently overnight.   Every 2.5-3 hours
I'm trying to night wean him, but when he wakes and I try to put him back to sleep, he will fight me so hard, to the point where I will stay up for a couple hours until his next feeding before going back to sleep.
How long should I expect him to finally stop waking. .  Im still trying to wean him from his usual 11pm wake up, in hopes that he will just not wake up for it any longer before proceeding with the others but he just doesnt seem to get it.   I need him to sleep longer stretches
Itsn as though he treating his night sleep as though they were naps.

Any tips on night weaning?

Offline Pearceuccs

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Re: 10 mo still not Sleeping!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2017, 08:30:34 am »
When I weaned my baby from night feeds I decreased each feeding by two minutes everytime. Which helped a lot. Then ultimately it was the gradual withdrawal/chair method of sleep training that taught him to sleep through the night.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2017, 08:33:24 am by Pearceuccs »