Hi !
I need some advise on how to improve DS's bedtime.
Here's the background info.. He's never been a good sleeper and until 6 months ago, still had NW and a dummy. He improved a lot when we moved him to share DD1's bedroom (his became the new baby's room) and the last dummy was lost and never replaced. Bedtime for DD1 and him is between 7h30-8PM after usual routine : bath, PJ, story. He used to fall asleep within 20-30 min. Now this has stretched and stretched.. sometimes he's not even asleep by 9h30-10PM (I am !) Most of that time he is happy, chatting with himself or cuddly toy.. but he can also get up numerous times, throw tantrums, etc...In the mean time DD is fast asleep right beside ! He'll always wake up around 6h30-7 regardless of how late he fell asleep.
We've tried to keep him up longer, but it just ends up in a later tantrum, refusing to go back to bed. I know my older daughter started to go to bed later at this age too, until she started school.. but i feel he's not getting enough sleep and would like all 3 kids to go to bed around the same time. He still naps once - from 12h30 to 2 PM approx.
Should i try to cut down / remove nap ? any other suggestion ?