Author Topic: 12 week old waking at night for small feeds  (Read 1221 times)

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Offline soph259

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12 week old waking at night for small feeds
« on: August 23, 2017, 23:40:38 pm »

my daughter is 12 weeks tomorrow and I'm a bit confused about her night feeds. She is waking around 10pm, 1pm, 3/4pm but will only have small feeds at this time. She will feed from one breast, not even fully and not interested in the other one either. It's not like she is doing small feeds because she is falling asleep at the breast either because she is pretty awake when I put her back down. The wake times aren't exact and can vary by up to an hour or 2 so it's not overly habitual but I don't know if it's hunger either. She has low weight gains (~100g a week), although still 50th percentile for weight, so I don't want to stop the feedings if she really needs them but it is just really frustrating to be getting up for such small feeds!! She is also going down for all naps and bedtime wide awake with no dummy and doesn't fuss much. Basically I can't figure out where we are going wrong because I would think she would go back to sleep if she didn't need the feeds but she really isn't taking much at all so totally confused as to whether I should discourage the wakings to help her get more rested at night. Could it be too much day sleep? Though her A time is 1.5 hours so not sure she would need more than that. She does often wake 30/45mins into her morning nap but can put herself back to sleep for that one.

Her routine varies a bit but here is an example from yesterday, she is roughly on a 3h EASY but we are BF so she is fed on demand:

7:00 Wake and feed
8:30-9:30 Nap

10:00 Feed
10:45-1:00 Nap

1:30 Feed
2:30-3:30 Nap

4:30 Feed
5:15-6:00 Nap

7:00 Feed
7:30 Asleep

NW at 10pm, 1pm, 4pm
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 00:03:13 am by soph259 »

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Re: 12 week old waking at night for small feeds
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2017, 22:53:15 pm »
You could try just feeding her when she wakes from naps even if it's been less than 3hrs. That way you could squeeze in an extra feed in the last A time. More feeds in the day wI'll help get more milk into her.

3 NWs to BF at this age is completely normal so I'd just go with it for now. Even more so since she isn't using it to get back to sleep and the timings vary a bit. Sounds like she's doing great
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011