DS is 6.5 months - I tried him with shh-pat around 4 months and it was working, but then we moved and things got crazy. We have now been working on sleep for about 2 weeks. After 8 days I saw a real improvement in naps. He has taken short naps (35-45min) since he was 3.5 months old and still does, but now he can settle himself to sleep (I used to rock him) typically in less than 5 minutes with little to no fussing. Win! BUT he is a different baby at bedtime! Usually takes 20-40+ mins and I have to practically lay in the crib with him to comfort him. For naps I stay in the room but sit out of his sight.
We're also having trouble with NW, I suspect the issues are related. He wakes about 5 times, I used to nurse to sleep since it was easiest and fastest, but this week I am trying to wean that. Currently feeding 2/5 times. I should also mention he uses a pacifier. I honestly am too tired to summon the will power to wean it! He can replug about 90% of the time, so for now I'm going to leave it!
I think he is overtired from the short naps? His sleep signals are unreliable. Until very recently I was trying to put him down after just 1h30m A time because he was showing cues. Luckily I found the A time by age post, and increased it to 2h30m, that's when I saw the big improvement in going down for naps. He also just made a 4-3 nap transition last week.
Our EASY varies because he doesn't have a consistent wake up time (ranges 7-8), but here is a pretty typical day.
E 7:30 wake and eat
A (2 hours) <<gets pretty fussy if I try to extend this
S 9:30 nap 1
E 10:15 wake and eat
A (2.5 hours)
S 12:45 nap 2
E 1:30 wake and eat
A (2.5 hours)
S 4:00 nap 3
E 4:45 wake and eat
A (2h45m)
E 7:00 Dad gives a bottle then DS and I have ~10min of quiet time
S 7:30 sleep
Thank you for any insight!