Hi there
The main thing I think is to remember that LO does not need to necessarily eat directly after sleep. The EAS routine is to avoid feeding to sleep as a prop, it isn't intended to always feed LO as soon as they wake if this is not a suitable E time for LO (either because the nap is short and E time has not been reached or because LO is ready to E at longer stretches but not old enough or ready to have longer A times).
It is totally fine to run whatever A time your LO needs but to also run on a 4hr E time.
You will need to just check each time as you go along through the day and if you see a clash coming up you alter slightly to take that into account. For instance if E is due 15 mins after LO is going for a nap then it would make sense to feed a bit earlier, keep LO awake during the feed or wake him up if he nods off (eg nappy change) and put down for nap awake but ready for sleep.
If however the E times looks like it is something like 15 mins before the time you expect LO to wake form the nap, well he can probably manage the extra 15 mins so just feed on waking even if it's 4hr 15. LO will not starve, he'll let you know he is hungry.
For what it's worth some LO will not eat directly after waking anyway, mine needed to wait 30 mins before food after waking or he wouldn't eat properly, he also didn't move to 4hrly milk feeds until he was 6 months old - the routine is just adapted.
Hope this helps