Author Topic: 5.5 Month old- Night wakings and early riser  (Read 1510 times)

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Offline breanna220

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5.5 Month old- Night wakings and early riser
« on: October 03, 2017, 21:53:40 pm »
Hi Everyone...
I feel like posting all of this looks absolutely ridiculous and makes me feel like a crazy person. Desperate times calls for separate measures. My kid wakes up. A lot. There seems to be too many factors for me to ever figure out the ideal combo. (At this point I’m not greedy, I would love it if she just woke up 1 time at night. I would be willing to deal with the 5:30am wakeup call…) But here I go none the less. I should preface by saying I don’t think I could handle “cry-it-out”. 27 min. almost killed me. But my baby loves to be up, busy, and doesn’t want to miss anything!
5:30am – nurse both sides
Off to daycare by 7am
8:30am nap 30min – 1hr if lucky
8-9am 4oz bottle (just depends on her nap and how early she woke up!)
11:45am 5oz bottle
12pm-2pm nap (sometimes 2:30)
3pm 5 oz bottle
5pm nurse 1 side
5pm – 30 min catnap
5:30 up
Start the bath at 6:30pm, continue bedtime stuff at 7, (routine: Walk and/or bath, story, eat, sing a little song, rock to sleep.)
7pm nurse other side
Asleep by 7:30.
     -Has been waking up at 10:30-11pm every night.
     -Then again around 3am.
     -Sometimes again at 4:30am then 5:30am. Sometimes she will just wake up at 5:30am.
AND to heighten this, the last 2 nights she woke up veryyyy upset 30-40 minutes after going down for the night. Way more upset than when she wakes up in the middle of the night.

She has been very very congested the last month, I am sure she is teething again, I know she is going through Leap 5, I think she hit a growth spurt recently (hungry), we transitioned her to her room about couple weeks ago and into the crib a couple of weeks ago. Prior to that, she was in the rock n play for way too long but loves the hugged bent position of that thing. So now being in a huge crib, I am sure she doesn’t care for it. I have her in the merlin suit to try and help with the jolt reflex.

At night, I pick her up after waiting several minutes and try to console her by shushing gently rocking, etc. before resorting to food. But lately it seems like she will nurse both sides at 10:30pm and 3am. I am sure some of that is sleep association but it seems more than the “comfort nibble”. Admittedly also, because the crib was such a huge transition, I wait until she is fully asleep to put her in there. We eat, she gets drowsy. then I hold her to sleep. That is a fade down from me rocking or bouncing her to sleep. I have it down to just holding. I did at least get her used to her room by moving the rock n play in there first before she made the huge jump also to the crib. I should also note that last night she woke up at 11. To my excitement she fell back to sleep only to re-wake up crying 30 minutes later.

Her temperament during the day is awesome. She is the happiest kid all the time. Even with a cold, etc. But sleeping has been the ongoing saga for my little love from the get go. Not sure where to go from here. I just know mama is tired. Very tired. Naps are tough. Nighttime sleep is tough.

I would love some advice or feedback on my babe! Thanks.

Offline ginger428

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Re: 5.5 Month old- Night wakings and early riser
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2017, 00:13:19 am »
Hi there and welcome to BW!

First, you're not crazy... most of us have been exactly where you are. Tired and desperate. You're welcome here.
Second, please know that BW is firmly against any form of CIO alone. We believe it breaks the trust between baby and parent.

It's not unusual for bf babies to nurse more often or longer at night as they digest bm at a quicker rate and get hungry earlier.  It depends on each baby and mother of course, but I bf 2x a night until 9 mo or so. I'm not surprised at this age that she is eating eagerly at night... how long ago did the growth spurt start? Usually they last about a week or so. Also, if she's bf one breast at 5, and the other side at 7, she might actually be a little hungry before bed... could you offer 2 or a bottle cap off and see what she does?

Routine- your awake times are slightly longer than average for a 5.5 mo which is around 2-2.5hrs. Did you recently lengthen the AT? She might be accumulating OT if she's not quite ready for 3 hrs between naps... especially if her nights are broken.

Having said that, you very well may have a sleep association.  We can address all the other issues, but ultimately, we won't know for sure what's causing the wake ups until you drop nursing/holding to sleep.

Teething- if there are signs of teething such as rosy cheeks, red gums or teeth poking under the gums, I would medicate before BT. I also did dream meds when it was bad... woke him up around 4-6 hrs after the last dose to get him through the morning hours when any discomfort can wake baby (usually between 4-6am).

Congestion- if she does in fact have a cold, I honestly would wait for her to be well before trying these tips, except for the teething medication and reducing the A time, as she could be exhausted from the illness and broken night sleep.

Night wakes- The habitual waking at 10:30/11 and 3 could be due to the habitual feeding, but again... she might be going through a growth spurt still.  The 10:30 wake and 5:30 wakes can also indicate overtiredness, in which case I would try to shorten her A time slightly, and aim for an earlier BT, say 7:00 or 7:15.

Naps- you say they're tough.. how so? Does she not go down easily?

To summarize, I would try these things in this order:

1. Rule out illness.  If there is an illness, do what you can to maximize sleep for both of you until recovered- offer meds for teeth if sure, and reduce A time, but don't proceed with sleep training or reducing NFs.
2. Rule out teething pain with meds before bed and if bad, another dose at one of the night feeds.
3. Offer both breasts at 7pm or combination of bottle/breast and see if she takes it.
4. Try reducing the awake time starting with the first nap.  This is going to be tricky bc with a wake at 5:30, her first nap will be so early.  Hopefully, we'll get a wake closer to 6 at which point you can push the first nap later and later. On days where she wakes at 5:30, aim for a 13 hr day... BT by 6:30 if possible. Ideally you want a 12-13 hr day.
5. Continue working on doing less holding to sleep and nursing to sleep. One tip is to nurse in another brightly lit room, then move to the sleeping room and hold.  You can add other supportive methods to help her fall asleep in the crib by first holding her in the crib, then move to a hand on her back. This will be a long process for sure.
6.  If it's been more than 1.5 weeks since you think the growth spurt began, you can try decreasing the amount given... so one breast instead of 2 then less and less time on the breast.  Especially at the first NW.

Hoping for great, restorative sleep for all in the near future! Hang in there. xo
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 00:40:32 am by ginger428 »