Oh I'm so sorry to hear you were in tears today

hugs. this is a horrible transition, the broken nights and EWs are just exhausting and I'm not surprised it's getting you down.
There's another option here - after such an EW and him already tired you could go for 2 naps just today. It doesn't matter today if it results in a very late BT because that could help to shift the night along (later BT, later WU) which could help with the clock change. If you wanted you could offer a nap earlier, maybe just one sleep cycle of 40 mins, then give a long A time and another nap. It's a bit "out there" and I can't tell you exactly what times to try, I'd be guessing as much as you, but it's something to consider today.
Otherwise, go with your plan, give him an extra snack and bring out something new to interest him or go into a room you don't often take him too (let him pull all you socks out the draw or bring out some non-breakable kitchen equipment, I have a balloon whisk, wooden lemon juicer, measuring spoons, sieve - all things my DS would like to explore) to help get through that long A time to nap. Watch some TV together if necessary. Whatever you need to do to keep him awake until nap time.
Then I think 5hrs A to bed.
How did you “work” on learning to nap for longer?
I used W2S mostly or resettled.
I altered A time (at some point I needed to extend it to get the 2hr instead of 1hr 20 and a grumpy DS) although this was probably later when he was older.
During the worst time of our 2-1 nap drop I stayed upstairs with my DS holding him whilst he screamed his head off, telling him he needed to sleep (he wanted up) until he eventually went back to sleep. It was pretty horrible.
I remember one day a friend of mine was visiting, she arrived much later than she had said she would and had totally missed DS's awake time. When she arrived he was in bed, then he woke (too early) and I went up to him. I stayed up there pacing with him in my arms screaming until he went back to sleep. When I arrived back downstairs my friend was upset I hadn't brought him down as she wanted to see him. She didn't agree with me putting him back to sleep when he had wanted to get up. Tough. Honestly, my DS needed to be told to go to sleep, it wasn't pretty but he really did need it.
Another time during our 2-1 he was only sleeping 20 mins at a time. I discovered if I timed things well I could go in at 19 mins put a hand on him and use a key phrase to see him through the OT waking, then I could leave the room at 21 mins. And again go in at 19 mins stay until 21. All the way through 2 hrs nap. It was hard in the sense that I had to go in so many times but in comparison to him screaming blue murder it felt like a breeze, he was calm, I was calm, he got the sleep and it taught him to stay asleep for 2hrs. He had done 2hr naps before the 2-1 so I was confident he needed the 2hrs, 2 sleep cycles, and just had to keep going until he got it.
Believe me - I have had my times of tears too. It's totally understandable when they are disturbed so much in the night and then they are up at 4 or 5 am and all we can see is this looooong day of parenting ahead with all their moods, all the meals to prep, the cleaning up, trying to get them to nap, and on and on and on. There appears to be no end to it. I know xxx