This is my third baby. I have been trying to write to this forum for advice for over a month, but every time I try to type a message she starts screaming. She is screaming right now. I don't even know where to begin asking for advice, or even explaining the extent of the problem.
Baby sleeps at night from 9pm-6am in bed with us. She nurses several times in the night. I have no idea how often or what times, I don't have the energy to put on my glasses and look at the clock.
Our daytime routine revolves around my son's school schedule.
6:30-7:20 I get the 6yo and 3yo dressed and fed. I don't have time to shower or look in the mirror, but I usually manage to change out of my pajamas. During this time, baby is sometimes sleeping, but usually awake. If she's awake, she just cries and fusses in the bed while I take care of the big kids. I don't know how else I can get them ready and out the door on time otherwise. The crying/fussing makes me feel like crap, and it makes me irritable toward my big kids, which makes me feel like crap. I change her diaper right before we leave for our school drive.
7:20-8:00 I drive my 6yo to school. Baby and 3yo are along for the ride, of course. Baby sleeps. This is her only nap for the morning.
8:00-2:25 We just kind of survive. I spent most of the time cleaning up from breakfast, cleaning up from life, making lunch, cleaning up from lunch. On Tuesdays and Thursdays my 3yo is in a "mom's morning out" program. I use that time to grocery shop, prep meals for the week, etc. In between cooking/cleaning I try to get baby to sleep. For example today I nursed her and laid with her from 10-11:30 -- she fell asleep at 11:30 but then I had to wake her to get the 3yo from the morning program. Then when we got home I made lunch for the 3yo. I let the 3yo watch a movie while I laid with the baby for 2 hours trying to get her to sleep. She fell asleep at 2:10, so I snuck away to try to write this post...she started screaming at 2:15. It's now 2:23 and she is still screaming.
2:25 - 3:10 we are in the car picking up my 6yo from school. Baby sleeps. This is her only nap for the afternoon.
3:10 - 7:00 I make a snack, clean up the snack. Make dinner, clean up dinner. My husband gets the big kids ready for bed, and then I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY GET A BREAK FROM THE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He holds her for 30 minutes while I read stories to the kids.
7:30 I nurse baby over and over and over again, tanking up for bedtime.
9:00 I go to bed, and take baby with me.
I AM SO TIRED, SO EMOTIONALLY SPENT and feeling like a TERRIBLE MOM. I wish this post was more coherent. I need help.