I will note that I have potty trained big brother now and we are doing LO2 aswell... After 1 night I decided NOT to do night training with him as well just yet = it was just too stressful to add that to the mix of already waking boy.
To answer your question, he rarely actually stays awake for stretches as long as an hour
if he "gets his way" (I give him medicine and water) Last night i gave him 5ml water and let him cry a bit (not for more than a few minutes, but trying to let him get over it because he is very demanding like this during the day to get his own way... so it seems like the same behavior and it didn't sound like pain cry to me ) but after over an hour I gave him the meds and he went to sleep.
I always think if he was upset for a long time (and especially if it seemed like he had dozed off in between) then it was definitely pain. But everyone says teeth can't go on for months. It should just be a few days? He has just gotten his first canine so the others are coming but honestly he is always this way.
7pm sleep
Somewhere between 10:30/11:30 stir/cry/wake
Usually around 3 stir/cry/wake
5/5:30 WU and we go lie in the room (with LO1) while he "stews" in the crib till no-one can stand it and get up to play. (6am)
11:30am-2pm nap
So last night we were saga between 11:30pm and 1am, then WU at 5am when I just gave up and climbed into the crib and he slept with me till 6:30 HEAVEN. But not sustainable HAHHA.
He fell asleep in the car at 11 today

So I will wake him at 1:30.
So at night it seems he wakes and wants something sweet and some water and throws a tantrum without it.
This might be happening though...
I presume he's not waking for the paci, finding it, replugging himself and then not able to get back to sleep. Or waking for the paci then noticing he's sore or thirsty or you're not there?
It may be paci-weaning time...
I find it moe intimidating than potty training! (and they ONLY use for sleep...) Thanks again for your time !