Hello Everyone!
I have a 15month old that is still not sleeping through the night, and hasn't since she was an infant. At the moment she is waking up 2-3 times a night. I'm so exhausted, to say the least. I've tried several times to stop bf ing her through the night, or at least partially. Since September, I have focused 3 weekends on teaching her to only feed her once through the night. Each time, I have success, and she only does that one feed when we are done but it all falls apart within 1 week from the training. The regression usually is begun by an illness or unexplained repetitive wake ups, which I guess to be teething. Each time, I have her mostly trained and these increased wake ups throw me off and I start to feed her again. The last time we all got so sick that I was worried she would have the same breathing issues her sister had. I needed to get her well again, which to me means breastfeeding till the illness is gone. I recognize that she doesn't really need the breastmilk to fill her at night at her age. I just thought that I would make some smaller steps to get to my goal. Anyways, I am planning another weekend to solve this situation and this time Im planning no feeds at night by the end. I just need some solutions for the after part. Help!!!