My 18 mo lo usually wakes at 645/7 naps from 12-2 and is in bed by 7. Lately he was napping shorter from 12-130 so I tried pushing back the nap to 1215/30 but he would just wake at 2 and it took him longer to fall asleep then it did at 12! He also has been waking earlier everyday.. 630,615! So then I tried doing a later bedtime at 730 but he’s waking even earlier in the morning. It seems that sometimes if I can get him into his crib right at 12 he sleeps 1215-215 so today I tried that and it took him 30 mins to fall asleep finally at 1230 and today he was up early at 615 so I thought for sure he’d fall right asleep. Now I’m just stumped as what to do. His nap needs to be 12 1230 at latest beucause he needs to be up by 2 for school pick up.