Hello! Sorry it's been a while since my last post. We've been through lots of adjustments since our caregiver arrived.
My then 9wk old is now 13wo. To answer your questions:
-i'm just feeding on one side because its just too uncomfortable for me on the other and it makes him fussy when he feels im not managing him well. I was like this with ds2 but eventually bf on both when he got to 5mos. Also at he beginning of every bf ds3 stiffens and kicks a lot but eventually relaxes. Sometimes it's a challenge to bf him properly. He would unlatch from moving too much. what could be the reason? He's not OT because i make sure we are already winding down an hr after he wakes up (he's already sleepy by that time).
-I bf and give pumped milk. In a day 24-28oz from 8am-8am the next day. I bottle feed at night because i need to sleep. This worked for us. Since increasing his oz before bedtime, he only feeds once or 2x at night. He feeds while asleep, no problem now.
-I pump and feed because in the morning, i have to take care of ds1 and ds2 going to school. When theyre at school, i bf when i have the chance to like when he naps again. I do nurse him to sleep. Today's different. I successfully SP'd him to sleep! More on that later.
-He has no tongue tie. He poops and pees a lot, so no problem at all
today he is 13weeks and also today we've tried SP by accident. The 45min intruder has been disturbing him for 3days now. He was fussing this morning while i swayed him on my arms made me wonder if it's because of my bony arms, his neck and cheeks were sweating so i put him down on his crib. Sp'd for 5mins and saw he was settling a bit, started to cry, i picked him up while patting, put him down and SP'd for like 30mins. He slept after 10mins but i extended the pat to 30mins since i can see the jolt coming and he's not yet in a deep sleep. It's been 2hrs now and he is still asleep. Im so happy!!! Will surely keep up on doing it. Will update u when i have the chance!!
Thanks a lot!