My LO is just over 15 months. She is a good sleeper barring (teething, illness and standard developmental changes). Her routine has been pretty consistent since she was 12 months old (mostly due to work/daycare requirements).
My daycare is somewhat flexible with nap times, so they have accommodated small adjustments thus far.
Her current schedule is a follows:
6:00AM wake*
12:00PM nap
2:15 PM wake**
7:00 PM bedtime***
**Recently it has been taking her longer to settle for her nap and she may wake earlier.
***Sometimes it can take up to 30 mins for her to settle for bed
*Sometimes she will have early wakes, often will fall back asleep
Each day will consist of 1 or a combination of the above scenarios (NOT all 3). She is also happy in these cases, when she is settling or waking. She tends to settle eventually on her own and wakes and plays, talks etc.
We pushed her nap this weekend till 12:30 and she had a solid 2h nap (had to wake her at 2:30). She used to take 2:15-2:30 naps. I think I may be in denial that she does not need a 2:30 nap anymore (they were so nice!!). The couple times recently when we did let her sleep her longer nap, she took longer to settle for bedtime.
I am not sure if we are at that point when we need to choose... longer nap with later bedtime or shorter nap and keep bedtime??
What do you think?
She has always been on the lower end of the sleep need spectrum (13-13.5h total) was her sweet spot for sleep.