My daughter turns 4 in July, she has never been the best sleeper. She is my first and we have followed this forum/ book religiously. We have done some accidental parenting but righted ourselves when it became too much.
I’ve have tried everything to get this kid to sleep through the night. We have a grow clock which she understands how it works and it does seem to work for the most part. We have a night light on in her room and water beside her bed. She is fed a good snack before bed and our wind down consists of brush teeth, potty, snuggles in bed and listen to “ how Alex the tractor couldn’t fall asleep”
Last night she was up every hour it seemed. U til finally we took her in bed with us. She kept saying she was scared and it was legit. You could tell she was having a hard time. You can sometimes get her to resettle and go back to bed but most times she just cries and nothing you are saying sinks in until you lay with her again.
We do lay down with her at night time, her brother who is now 9 months goes to bed before her so we try to get her settled without too much fuss. She also does not nap with us on the weekends. During the week at school she has a nap around 1 hour to 1 hour 20mins. On days she doesn’t nap her schedule looks like this
Wake up 6:30-6:45 am
Bed 7pm/7:30pm
Nap days
Nap 12-1:30pm
Sleep 8:30pm sometimes 8pm.
I think because we lay with her at nighttime that may be a huge issue. How do we right ourselves from this and where do we even begin? Also what is the right amount of sleep for an almost 4 year old?