Hi there
As your LO is over 1yo you would ordinarily post over on the toddler sleep board, here's a link:
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?board=34.0There are some sample toddler EASY routines here if this is what you were looking for:
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=164033.0At this age A times vary hugely. Some LOs are on 1 nap per day whilst others are still doing 2 naps for several months yet so there isn't really an average A time. If your LO was doing 5hrs and taking 1 nap he might need a bit longer (assuming at some point in the past he did nap better, is an independent sleeper, in good health).
Often at this age and when on 1 nap we suggest moving to "set" nap and bed times rather than counting the A each day. A set time would be based on the individual LOs needs, when is a suitable time for nap and BT to get the best sleep overall. Then the nap and BT are given at the same time each day. The "set" aspect is that it stays at these times until the routine no longer works when it is tweaked accordingly and becomes "set" at a new time. There is always still the flexibility of needing extra sleep due to illness, teething, high stimulation or physical exercise etc.
Hope that helps
I'll move your thread over to the toddler sleep board now.